
Mostrando las entradas de mayo, 2019

Your favourite piece of technology

The first piece of technology that I remember having had when I was child was a computer, it was a big as and old TV and you could only play solitaire and pin ball but I really liked it and to this day it is my favourite artefact.     The first one I had was one that I shared with my old brother and now I use one that I bought a couple of years ago that although it is not very good, it helps me to do the tasks of the university. I use the computer every day either to see a website or play something. One of the things that entertains me most is to play multi-player games and since the computer allows me to play some  game of this type that can not be played on the other platforms , so I really like the computer. I do not think my life would have a big change if I could not have a computer because although I use it for things like studying I could use books in replacement and so on with the rest of its functions but what I do think is that it would be very boring.  

Why did you choose your career?

When I was a child I didn't remember about had a dream job, I was worried about other things like play or sleep, but I became older and I had to choose a career to study in college, so I start to research about the differents university programs. At the moment of applying I didn't have so many options in mind, so I postulate to Medical Technology in valparaiso but my mom didn't let me go to another region, so I dedicate my entire year to work. What finally led me to decide for engineering food was how close to my home is and an exhibition about the careers of this faculty that I attended in my last year of school.   As for my experience in the university this has been very good I have met nice people and the career that at first I did not know what I was dealing with came to like me a lot. When I finish my degree I would like to work in some kind of own enterprise.